Tuesday, December 16, 2008

5 Quick Homemade Acne Remedies!

Waking up in the morning with acne can be a HUGE problem. To get rid of acne, many times big companies will sell acne products to consumers that have chemicals which can irritating to the skin as well as harmful to the environment. If you have some spare time in the evening, you may want to just want try using one of five simple and quick homemade acne remedies that won't cost you a fortune. The best part is that they are 100% natural and will help you clear up your acne.

Quick Homemade Acne Remedies #1 - Oatmeal Mask

If you have some oatmeal, cook it for 5-6 minutes. Then let it set for 3 minutes. Apply a tablespoon or two of honey in the container, the mix. The honey will make the oatmeal sticky, making it easier for it to stick to your face. Leave it on for 10 minutes and simply rinse off afterwards. With constant use, this should help you gradually reduce your acne over the days as well as giving you fresh, smooth skin.

Quick Homemade Acne Remedies #2 -Lemon Juice Mask

This remedy is easy and contains antibacterial and exfoliating properties since lemon juice is an alpha hydroxy acid. Get a couple of lemons then squeeze the juice from it into a container. The ratio of juice to water should be around 5 to 1. Apply this to your face and of course with all these remedies you want to avoid it touching your eyes. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse off afterwards. You're skin should feel tighter and cleaner.

Quick Homemade Acne Remedies #3 - Cucumber Mask

If you have a blender at home, you can try using a cucumber mask. Chop up the cucumbers into small slices, add about a half a cup of water, and then blend them into a puree. Leave it in the refrigerator to make the puree thicker, colder, and more condensed. Afterwards apply it on your face and you relax with this cool, vitamin rich mask soaks up your clogged pores. Rinse off afterwards.

Quick Homemade Acne Remedies #4 - Egg Yolk Mask

Egg yolks are helpful in absorbing oils off skin if you have oily skin. Crack a couple of eggs into a container, and beat the egg yolks until you get a thicker substance. Use some cotton balls and dabbed the egg yolk onto your face leaving it there for 10 minutes. Then just rinse off afterwards.

Quick Homemade Acne Remedies #5 - Apple Honey Mask

Grate an apple so that you have small pieces and put it into a container. Add 4 table spoons honey. Mix these two together then apply it on your face for 10 minutes. This mask is good for people that have oily skin. Remember to rinse off afterwards.

With constant use, these remedies should help you gradually reduce your acne over the days as well as giving you fresher, smoother skin. Thanks for reading and good luck.

To learn more about one of the best acne treatments, click here!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tristan_L.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great natural mask treatments for acne! Understanding why we get acne is great to know so that we can prevent and treat acne more effectively. So knowing acne myths and facts is important.